"The Ugly Dragon"

The Ugly Dragon Divyam Sharma The concept of China’s peaceful rise or China’s “ peaceful development ” was an official party policy adopted under Hu Jintao’s regime. It was an assurance to the world that China’s rise as a nation will not pose a threat to international peace and security. This was aimed to create a narrative around China’s rise as beneficial for a ‘peaceful’ world order post the collapse of USSR or post the Tiananmen square incident which saw the communist country’s attempt to quash a democratic movement. With the start of the second decade of the 21 st century, the world is facing the ramifications of this ‘ rise ’ primarily under Xi Jingping. The blurring of lines Former Deputy NSA Nadia Schadlow said, “ The space between peace and war is not an empty space but a landscape churning with political, economical and military changes and thu s it’s important to emphasize on this period.” War can t ake ...