Project Zorawar - The Army's Plan To Counter China At High Altitude

Project Zorawar – The Army’s Plan To Counter China At High- Altitude Tanks are offensive platforms that are developed not for muscle flexing but have a larger goal to bug the enemy out and vitiate its plans to lay harm on a nation's sovereignty. The boundary row in Ladakh saw a heavy deployment of armour, like the BMP-2, the T-90 Bhishma, T-72 Ajeya, K-9 Vajra self-propelled artillery, and other Armoured Fighting Vehicles (AFV) supporting the boots on the ground and other arms. The temperature in Ladakh can plummet to -40 degrees, and climate conditions have a dominant effect on the performance of such platforms. To counter challenges in the desert terrain of Ladakh, the Chinese inducted the ZTQ-15 light tanks in its armour profile. Project Zorawar The Indian Army plans to procure light tanks for the region to boost its overall firepower and bolster its prowess against the enemy. Strong armour deployment is ...